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Undergraduates interested in either summer or academic-year opportunities should contact Dr. St-Pierre at and lab manager Dr. Hassen (wafa.hassen@bcm.eduwith the following:

1. Resume or CV.

2. 1-paragraph statement describing your motivation and background.

Please add references if you have prior research experience.


Interested undergraduates seeking to work in the St-Pierre lab during the summer are encouraged to apply to one of the following summer programs. Please indicate your interest in the St-Pierre lab in your application and also email Dr. St-Pierre to let him know of your interest. Undergraduates requesting to join on behalf of other summer programs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The Summer Medical and Research Training (SMART) Program @BCM


The NSF Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) in Multiscale Bio-Networks

This program is open to both domestic and international undergraduate students.

This program is only open to U.S. cutizens and permanent residents.


Undergraduates from any Houston-area institution can contact Dr. St-Pierre for opportunities during the academic year. Ideal candidates are willing to make a substantial (1-2 years) commitment to the lab. Research for credit is also preferred.

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